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Your AdSense earnings are directly related to your traffic. How much you make depends on your niche, click-through rate and how much ads in your niche pay.The only (legal) way to increase your earnings is to bring in more traffic. I know that there are ways to get only the high-paying ads, but I don’t recommend it because I don’t think that they follow Google’s rules.
You can increase your traffic this way
  1. Facebook: You need to be active on your blogging Facebook Page for driving traffic from facebook to your blog or site.
  2. Pinterest: This is a great way to bring in traffic.
  3. Twitter:  Use Twitter for Driving quality traffic to your site or blog.
  4. Google Webmaster Tools: Submit all of your pages to the Google index for free & find out how Google sees your site.
  5. Bing Webmaster Tools: Submit your site to Bing for getting more traffic to your site.

Don't compare earnings

You cannot estimate your earnings based on someone else's traffic because every niche is different.

Make More Money

If you are trying to make more money per click on Google Adsense, you need to make sure that your Ads are Targetable.

Maximize ad space with multiple ad units

Multiple ad units can help optimize your performance by leveraging our large inventory of ads. You can put up to three standard AdSense for content ad units (this includes a maximum of one 300x600 ad unit), three link units and two AdSense for search boxes on each page of your site. Remember that the best way to measure the effect of multiple ad units is to examine the impact on your overall earnings.

Three units is not always best

Even though AdSense allows you to use multiple units on one page, that doesn't mean it's always best for your user experience. Also, Google has been known to penalize the rankings of sites that have too many ads (especially near the top of the page). Learn to balance your ads with content.You don't want to run people away by appearing greedy with ad overload. Not to mention it looks unprofessional.


While AdSense can be a great way to earn additional income, you should also diversify your income streams. Not only are earnings unpredictable but you could get your account disabled and lose everything at once. Google's main priority is protecting their advertisers because that's how they make their money. So if they suspect that your account is generating fraudulent clicks or even has the potential to do so, they will disable your account with no warning.

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  1. Those are useful tips. You're right about not comparing earnings. Every blog will be different. Even people who build several niche websites will find that their earnings vary so there are lots of factors that can make your earnings higher or lower than someone else's.



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